Teaching Philosophy

“We educate with music to bring beauty and art into the world. Music study educates the whole person, whether, child, adolescent, or adult. Participation in music activities (such as playing the piano) engages the mind, the body, and the emotions via the senses; helping a person to grow through a richly rewarding, positive, educational activity; that often lasts a lifetime."

Richard L. Seifert

Piano Performance Events

Piano Lessons should be educational and engaging. Studio performance events are scheduled regularly throughout the year for students of all ages, free of charge. These classes provide motivational progress, and performance certificates in a fun social setting.

Annual Spring Awards Recital

The annual spring awards recital is a time of musical celebration, where students can be their best and share what they have learned during the year. Recitals provide students with an authentic performance environment. Recital programs are specially designed by the teacher in partnership with the student, allowing the student to participate as they feel able. Students help to plan and choose the music they would like to share.


Beginning Students learning as a Team

Regular or daily, scheduled, practice time at the piano leads to student success and musical growth.

A variety of specially designed practice activities ensures musical growth.