2024-2025 Season

Celebrating our 25th year


Lessons during the academic year run September - June.

New students are welcome to register throughout the year,

please call Mr. Seifert for an interview 425 220-8147 


2024-2025 Season Studio Events at a glance.

September: N/A

October 27 Sunday  Halloween Costume Recital:

November: N/A

December 8th Sunday Christmas Holiday Recital.


February  2nd Honors Competition and Recital

Congratulations to our four Elementary Level Competition winners. The Honors recital is scheduled for Sunday afternoon February 23rd each student will perform their competition program. 

March: 9th Sunday (Mid-Winter Performance Event)

This event is open to all students.

Group 1. 3:00 - 4:00

Group 2. 4:15 - 5:00

Group 3. 5:15-6:00 School age & Adults

April: N/A

May: N/A


Annual Spring Awards Recital: Sunday June 8th.

Time 3:30 -5:00 pm *Please save the date.

Reception following.

Summer Term: 

The summer term opens in July and August. The lesson schedule changes to full days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Lessons may be schedule from: 8:00 Am  - 9:00 PM 

Recent Testimonials:

"I was most impressed by the studio and professionally organized materials"...Mr. J. Collegeville, Pa

More Testimonials